What is HART testing?

HART CVE is a simple, highly accurate blood test for scoring your risk for a heart attack, stroke or cardiac death. Developed and validated in collaboration with renowned researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital, HART CVE proved to be more accurate (86%) than other available tests, including genetic and stress tests (53%).2,3

Speak to us about HART Testing!

Heart Disease
Know the Facts 1

Heart disease is the
leading cause of death
in the U.S.—1 in 3 deaths.

Heart disease is 80% preventable.

50% of heart attack patients have
normal cholesterol.

HART Testing
An Inside Look

Prevencio’s HART technology delivers an overall risk score, along with a more detailed breakdown of risk factors.

HART Protein

Relation to
Heart Disease

HART Protein

Relation to
Heart Disease


Measure to identify your heart stress or how hard your heart must work with every beat

Kidney Injury

Measure to determine inflammation in an artery or level of heart-kidney abnormality


Measures the amount of calcification/cholesterol/plaque within the heart arteries; and body’s ability to detoxify (oxidative stress)


Measures risk of plaque to
break apart or rupture


A score from 0 – 3 indicates a lower likelihood of developing a heart event; specifically, a less than 1% risk of having a heart attack, stroke, or cardiovascular death within 1 year.

A score of 4 – 6 signifies a moderate likelihood of developing a heart event; specifically, a less than 7% risk of having a heart attack, stroke, or cardiovascular death within 1 year.

A score of 7 – 10 indicates a higher likelihood of developing a heart event; specifically, a greater than 20% risk of having a heart attack, stroke, or cardiovascular death within 1 year.


If HART CVE is the right test for you, then you will only need a simple blood draw, no fasting required.

Speak to us about HART Testing!

We will contact you to schedule a consultation.

1. Heart Disease Facts | cdc.gov
2. McCarthy, CP, Januzzi, JL, et al. Usefulness of Multiple Biomarkers for Predicting Incident Major Adverse Cardiac Events in Patients Who Underwent Diagnostic Coronary Angiography (from the Catheter Sampled Blood Archive in Cardiovascular Diseases [CASABLANCA] Study).
Am J Cardio l 2017; 120(1):25-32.
3. Neumann JT, Januzzi JL, Westermann D. et al. Application of a machine learning-driven, multibiomarker panel for prediction of incident cardiovascular events in patients with suspected myocardial infarction.
Biomark Med. 2020 Jun;14(9):775-784.
doi: 10.2217/bmm-2019-0584.
Epub 2020 May 28. PMID: 32462911.

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